With entirely "Made in Gessi" production processes, the Company represents the most genuine and authentic embodiment of the "Made in Italy" philosophy, incorporating Italian beauty, design and lifestyle into each of its products and distributing them all over the world.
While based on aesthetic research and style, Gessi's Made in Italy philosophy is mainly focused on the development of exceptional solutions to real problems. The Company mission is to make everyday life more pleasant with objects of extraordinary beauty and functionality.
Although its products are international by vocation, and despite having established subsidiaries and offices all over the world from Honk Kong to Los Angeles, Gessi maintains strong roots in its home territory and remains unwaveringly Italian.
In absolute contrast to the widespread race to outsource and to relocate production units, Gessi carries out each production phase and manufactures every product component in house, following best practice business models and the principles of "green" production. The Company boasts high levels of technology, a low environmental impact and a high degree of ethical responsibility in relation to its workers, all while maintaining the highest standards of product quality.